Chapter 1 - Parents Are Blamed but Not Trained.



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Version 2013.09.22

Everybody blames parents for the troubles of youth, and for the troubles that young people appear to be causing society.

Mental health experts examine the frightening statistics on the rapidly increasing number of children who develop serious or crippling emotional problems, or who become victims of drug addiction, or who commit suicide.

Those experts lament, saying, "It is all the fault of parents."

Political leaders and law-enforcement officials blame parents for raising a generation of gang members, homicidal teenagers, violent students, and criminals. And when kids fail in school, or become hopeless dropouts, teachers and school administrators claim that the parents are at fault.

Yet who is helping parents? How much effort is being made to assist parents to become more effective in raising children? Where can parents learn what they are doing wrong, and what they might do differently?

Parents are blamed, but they are not trained. Millions of new mothers and fathers take on a job each year that ranks among the most difficult anyone can have. They take an infant, a little person who is almost totally helpless, and they assume full responsibility for the child's physical and psychological health, and try to raise the child to become a productive, cooperative, and contributing citizen. What more difficult and demanding job is there? Yet, how many parents are trained for it? Far more now, than in 1962, when, in Pasadena, California, I decided to design a training program for parents. There were only seventeen people in my first class; mostly parents who were already experiencing serious problems with their children.

Now, so many years later, having trained more than one and a half-million parents, we have demonstrated that this course, called Parent Effectiveness Training, or simply P.E.T., can teach you the skills you need, to be more effective at the job of raising children.

We have demonstrated in this exciting program, that with a certain kind of training, you can greatly increase your effectiveness as a parent. You can acquire very specific skills, that will keep the channels of communication open between you and your children; communication in both directions. And you can learn a new method of resolving parent-child conflicts, that brings about a strengthening of your relationship.

The P.E.T. program has demonstrated that rifts need not exist in families. This program has convinced us that you and your children can develop a warm, intimate relationship, based on mutual love and respect.

When I first became a practicing clinical psychologist, I had been as convinced as most parents that the period of rebellion in the teen years was both normal and inevitable. I thought it was the result of adolescents' universal desire to establish their independence, and rebel against their parents. I was sure that adolescence, as most studies had shown, was invariably a time of storm and stress in families. Our experience with P.E.T. has proven me wrong. Time and time again, parents trained in P.E.T. have reported the surprising absence of rebellion and turmoil in their families.

I am now convinced that adolescents are not simply rebelling against parents. The adolescents only rebel against certain destructive methods of discipline almost universally employed by parents. Turmoil and dissension in your family can become the exception, instead of the rule, when you learn to substitute a new method for resolving conflicts.

The P.E.T. program has also thrown new light, on the role of punishment in child-rearing. Many of our P.E.T. parents have proven to us, that punishment can be discarded forever, in dealings with children. And I mean all kinds of punishment, not just the physical kind. You can raise children who are responsible, self-disciplined, and cooperative, without your having to rely on the weapon of fear. You can learn how to influence children to behave out of genuine consideration for your needs, rather than out of fear of punishment, or withdrawal of privileges.

Does this sound too good to be true? Probably it does. It did to me before I had the experience of personally training parents in P.E.T. classes. Like most professionals, I had underestimated parents. P.E.T. parents have taught me how much they are capable of changing, given the opportunity for training. I have a new trust in the ability of mothers and fathers to comprehend new knowledge, and acquire new skills. Our P.E.T. parents, with few exceptions, have been eager to learn a new approach to child-rearing, but first they have to be convinced that the new methods will work. Most parents already know that their old methods have been ineffec­tive. So today's parents are ready for change, and our P.E.T. program has demonstrated that they can change.

We have been rewarded by one other outcome of the P.E.T. program. One of our earliest objectives was to teach parents some of the skills used by professional counselors and therapists, who have formal training in helping children overcome emotional problems, and maladaptive behavior. It may seem strange, or even presumptuous, that we had such aspirations. Preposterous though it may sound to some parents (and to quite a few professionals), we know now, that even if you have never taken a basic college course in psychology, you can learn these proven skills, and you can learn how, and when, to employ them effectively to help your children.

During the growth of P.E.T., we have come to accept a reality that sometimes makes us discouraged, yet more often makes us feel all the more challenged. Parents today rely almost universally on the same methods of raising chil­dren, and dealing with problems in their families, that were used by their own parents, by their parents' parents, and by their grandparents' parents. Unlike almost all other institutions of society, the parent-child relationship seems to have re­mained unchanged, and parents are still depending on methods used two thousand years ago.

Not that the human race has acquired no new knowl­edge about human relationships. Quite the contrary. Psychology, child development, and other behavioral sciences have amassed impressive new knowledge about children, parents, interpersonal relationships, how to help another person grow, and how to create a psychologically healthy climate for people. A lot is known about effective person-to-person communications, the effects of using power in human relationships, constructive conflict resolution, and so on.

This book presents a comprehensive philosophy, about what it takes for you to effectively establish, and maintain, a total relation­ship with your child, in any and all circumstances. You will learn not only methods and skills, but also when and why they are to be used. You will be given a system, complete with principles, as well as techniques.

It is my conviction that parents must be told the whole story, including all that we know about creating effective parent-child rela­tionships, beginning with some fundamentals, about what goes on in all relationships between two people. Then you will understand why you are using the P.E.T. methods, and when it is appropriate for you to use them, and what outcomes you can expect. You will be given a chance to become an expert, in dealing with the inevitable problems that come up, in all parent-child relationships.

In this book, you will be given everything we know, not just bits and pieces. You will get a complete model for effective par­ent-child relationships. That model will be described in detail, and will frequently be illustrated, with case material from our experi­ences.

Most parents consider P.E.T. quite revolutionary, be­cause it differs dramatically from tradition. And yet, P.E.T. works with very young children, with teenagers, with handicapped children, as well as with "normal" children.

P.E.T. will be described in terms familiar to everyone, and not in technical jargon. Initially, some parents find themselves disagreeing, with some of our concepts, but you will find that you are always able to understand our methods.

Since you will not be able, to express your concerns face-to-face with an instructor, here are some typical questions, with our answers to those questions that parents have had at this point.

QUESTION: Is this another permissive approach to raising children?

ANSWER: Definitely not. Permissive parents get into as much trouble as overly strict parents, because kids of overly permissive parents often turn out to be selfish, unmanageable, uncooperative, and inconsiderate of the needs of their parents.

QUESTION: Can one parent use this new approach effectively, if the other parent sticks to their old approach?

ANSWER: Yes and no. If only one parent starts to use this new approach, there will be a definite improvement in the relationship between that parent and the children. But the relationship between the other parent and the children may get worse. Far better then, for both parents to learn the new methods. Furthermore, when both parents try to learn this new approach together, they can help each other a great deal.

QUESTION: Will parents lose their influence over the children with this new approach, and be abandoning their responsibility to give guidance and direction to their children's lives?

ANSWER: As parents read the first chapters of this book, they may get that impression. A book can only present a system step by step. The early chapters deal with ways to help children find their own solutions to problems they encounter. In these situations, the role of an effective parent will seem different, and much more passive, or non-directive, than most parents are accustomed to. Later chapters, however, deal with how to modify unacceptable behavior of children, and how to influence them to be considerate of your needs as a parent. In these situations, you will be shown specific ways of being an even more responsible parent, than you are now, and shown ways of acquiring even more influence, than you now have. It might be helpful to check the table of "Contents," for the subjects covered in later chapters.

This book starts by teaching you a rather easy-to-learn method, for encouraging kids to accept responsibility for finding their own solutions, to their own problems. We illustrate how you can put that method to work right away in your home. When you learn this method, called "Active Listening," you will then have experiences similar to the following, that P.E.T. trained parents have described:

  • "It is such a relief, not to think that I have to have, all the answers to my children's problems."
  • "P.E.T. has helped me to have a much greater appreciation, for the capacities of my children, for solving their own problems."
  • "I was amazed at how well the active listening method works. My kids come up with solutions to their problems, that are often far better than any I could have given them."
  • "I guess I have always been very uncomfortable about playing the role of God, and feeling that I should know, what my kids should do when they have problems."

Today, thousands of adolescents have fired their un-trained parents, and as far as the kids are concerned, it is for good reasons. Here is a sampling of statements from those disgruntled children.

  • "My mom does not understand kids my age."
  • "I just hate to go home, and get lectured to, every night."
  • "I never tell my parents anything. If I did, they would not understand."
  • "I wish my dad would get off my back."
  • "As soon as I can, I am going to leave home. I can not stand being constantly hassled about everything."

Usually, those kids' parents are well aware that they have lost their jobs, as evidenced by these statements made at the beginning of our P.E.T. classes:

  • "I have absolutely no influence anymore, over my sixteen-year-old boy."
  • "We have given up on Angela."
  • "Ricky will not ever eat with us, and he hardly ever says a word to us. Now he wants a room out in the garage."
  • "Mark is never home, and he will never tell me where he goes, or what he is doing. If I ever ask him, he tells me it is none of my business."

To me, it is a tragedy that one of the potentially most in­timate, and satisfying relationships in life, so often creates bad blood. Why do so many adolescents come to see their parents, as the enemy? Why is there such a rift between parents and children? Why are parents and youth in our so­ciety, literally at war with each other?

Chapter 14 will deal with these questions, and shows, why it becomes unnecessary for kids to rebel, or revolt against their parents. P.E.T. is revolutionary, yes, but it is not a method that invites revolution. Rather, it is a method for parents to avoid being fired. It can prevent war in the home, and rather than being opposed against each other, as hostile antagonists, parents and children are brought closer together.

If you are initially inclined to reject our meth­ods as too revolutionary, you may find the motivation, to study them with an open mind, by the following excerpt, from a report submitted by a mother and father, after they had taken P.E.T.

  • "Bill, at sixteen, was our greatest problem. He was es­tranged from us. He was running wild, and was completely irre­sponsible. He was getting his first D's and F's in school. He never came home at the agreed times, offering as excuses flat tires, broken watches, and empty gas tanks. We spied on him, and found he had lied to us. We grounded him. We took away his license. We docked his allowance. Our conversations were full of recriminations. All to no avail. After one violent argument, he lay on the kitchen floor and kicked and screamed, and shouted that he was going crazy. At that point we enrolled in Dr. Gordon's class for parents. Change did not come overnight...

    "We had never felt like a unit, nor like a warm and loving, deeply caring family. This only came about after great changes in our attitudes and values...

    "This new idea, of being a person, a strong, separate person, expressing our own values, but not forcing them on others, and by being a good model, that was the turning point. We had much greater influence... From rebellion, fits of rage, and failure in school, Bill changed to an open, friendly, loving person, who calls his parents, 'two of my favorite people.'... He is finally back in the family... I have a relationship with him I never believed possible, full of love, and trust, and independence. He is strongly internally motivated, and, when each one of us is also, we really live, and grow as a family."

If you learn to use our new ways of communicating your feelings, you are not likely to produce a child like another sixteen-year-old boy, who sat in my office, and announced with a straight face:

  • "I do not have to do anything around the house. Why should I? It is my parents' job to take care of me. They are legally required to. I did not ask to be born, did I?"

When I heard what this young man said, and obviously believed, I could not help but think to myself, "What kind of persons are we producing, if children are permitted to grow up with the attitude, that the world owes them so much, even though they give back so little? What kind of citizens are parents sending out into the world? What kind of society will these selfish human beings make?"

Almost without exception, un-trained parents can be roughly categorized into three different groups: the "winners," the "losers," and the "oscillators."

Parents in the "winners" group, strongly defend and persuasively justify their right to exercise authority, and power over the child. They believe in restricting, setting limits, demanding certain behaviors, giving commands, and expecting obedience. They use threats of punishment to influence the child to obey, and they mete out punishments when the child does not. When a conflict arises between the needs of the parents, and those of the child, these parents consistently resolve the conflict in such a way, that the parent wins, and the child loses. Generally, these parents rationalize their "winning" by such stereotyped thinking as:

  • "This is the way my parents raised me, and I turned out pretty well."
  • "It is for the good of the child."
  • "Children actually want parental authority."

Or parents simply express this vague notion:

  • "It is the responsibility of parents to use their authority for the good of the child, because parents know best what is right and wrong."

The 'losers' group of parents, somewhat fewer in number than the "winners," allow their children a great deal of freedom most of the time. They consciously avoid setting limits, and proudly admit that they do not condone authoritarian methods. When a conflict occurs between the needs of the parent, and those of the child, rather consistently, it is the child who wins, and the parent who loses, because such parents believe it is harmful, to frustrate the child's needs.

Probably the largest group of parents is made up, of those who find it impossible to follow consistently, either of those first two approaches. Consequently, in trying to arrive at a judicious mixture of each, they oscillate back and forth between being strict, and being lenient, between tough and easy, between restrictive and permissive, or between winning and losing.

As one mother told us:

  • "I try to be permissive with my children, until they get so bad, I can not stand them. Then I feel I have to change, and I start using my authority, until I get so strict, that I can not stand myself."

The mother who had shared those feelings in the P.E.T. class, was unknowingly speaking for the large number of parents in the "oscillating group." Those are the parents who are the most confused and uncertain, and, as we shall show later, they are the parents whose children are often the most disturbed.

The major dilemma of today's parents, is that they perceive only two approaches to handling the inevitable parent-child conflicts in the home. Since they see only two alternatives in child-rearing, some parents choose the "I win, and you lose" approach, some choose the "You win, and I lose" approach, while others seemingly cannot decide between the two.

Parents in P.E.T. are surprised to learn, that there is an alternative to the two "win-lose" methods. We call it the "no-lose" method of resolving conflicts, and helping parents learn how to use the no-lose method effectively, is one of the principal aims of the P.E.T. training. While this method has been used for years for resolving other types of conflicts, few parents have ever thought of it as a method for resolving parent-child conflicts.

Many husbands and wives resolve conflicts between themselves, by mutual problem-solving. So do business partners. Labor unions and management, negotiate contracts that are binding to both parties. Property settlements in divorces are often arrived at, by joint decision-making. Children even frequently work out their conflicts with other children, by mutual agreement, or informal contracts acceptable to each other. ("If you do this, then I will agree to do that"). With increasing frequency, corporations are training executives to use participative decision-making in resolving conflicts.

The no-lose method is not a gimmick, nor is it a quick fix for effective parenthood. It requires a rather basic change, in the attitudes of most parents toward their children, and it takes time to use in the home.

The no-lose method also requires that you first learn the skill of non-evaluative listening, we call 'active listening', and that you learn how to honestly communicate your own feelings, with what we call 'I-messages'. The no-lose method is described and illustrated in later chapters of this book.

The latter position of the no-lose method in this book, however, does not reflect the true importance of it in our total approach to child-rearing. In fact, this new method of bringing discipline into the home, through effective management of conflict, is the heart and soul of our philosophy. It is the master key to parent effectiveness. Parents who take the time to understand the no-lose method, and then conscientiously employ it at home, as the alternative to the two win-lose methods, are usually richly rewarded, far beyond their hopes and expectations.