HTML Character Entities Decimal-Number Encoding Reference Lists
This section contains a group of pages listing all of the HTML decimal-reference code designations for displaying individual characters in a browser. 0 to 65535.
The HTML codes listed on this site are only the 'Decimal' character references.
Convert between ASCII Text, Hex Values, and Unicode Values (Decimal-Number)
See: A converter between ASCII Text, Hex Values, and Unicode Values (Decimal-Number).
Additional details about the lists
According to my research, the 'decimal reference' is preferred over other possible references to the same character because the decimal references are more widely supported in multiple browsers.
Each page contains five-thousand character references, and you can expect that not all of the decimal references will display a character in your browser.
In some cases the decimal reference is not assigned to any character. However, I do not know which of the decimal character references that do Not display in my browser are in fact references that have no character assigned to that decimal reference, versus character references that do have characters assigned to them but simply are not displaying in my browser.
The upper limit of the HTML decimal number character code reference is 65535; which is equal to 2 raised to the 16th power minus 1.
Only 'decimal' references are listed on this site
'Named' characters: Some characters have a reference format which uses an alphabetic 'Name' code assigned to them
Some characters have other reference types, but only the decimal references are listed on this site.
Hexidecimal: For example, one character reference format uses hexadecimal numbers (base 16: 0 to 9, and A to F), but those hexadecimal character references are not well supported in browsers at this time.
Using the trailing semi-colon is optional, but recommended
"... It is possible to eliminate the final ';' after a character reference in some cases... (but)... We strongly suggest using the ';' in all cases to avoid problems with user agents that require this character to be present." - The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C): HTML Document Representation: Character References.
The leading zero(s), "0", are optional
In other words, for example, instead of using A for an upper-case 'A', you are free to use A instead, with no problems.
Noteable to me:
« - «
» - »
˄ - ˄
˅ - ˅
༜ - ༜
thinsp (#8201), narrow non-breaking space (#8239), and hair space (#8202)
‑ ‑ Non‑breaking Hyphen
‽ - ‽
⁈ - ⁈
⁉ - ⁉
∞ - ∞
☠ - ☠
☢ - ☢
☣ - ☣
☠☢☣ DeadlyRadioactvBiohaz
☮ - ☮
☯ - ☯
☼ - ☼
♥ - ♥
♿ - ♿
✈ - ✈
✌ - ✌
ẓzṛ - ẓzṛ
龡 - 龡 Chuì
♥ - ♥
- ﷺ
Language: 'Urdu'
Direction: rtl - right-to-left
English translation: 'Prophet'
"Yak" in Cherokee
Angle-Bracket type of pointers: Left, Right, Up, Down - 00706
Arrow Assortment - 08582
Symbols Assortment - 09648
Arrow Assortment - 10132
Symbols Assortment - 10496
Arrow 'Go up', and Arrow 'Go down' - 10548
Symbols Assortment - 11008
'Unicode Charts' at
Unicode 10.0 Character Code Charts ~