On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 12:37 PM, dovid shmuel wrote: Is there any way to modify the Darken bookmarklet so that it is black text on medium grey background. I am an old man and the white background hurts my eyes; the white on black is also difficult for me to see. Thanks. ================================================================== Dear Dovid: The bookmarklets are modify-able; However, the easiest solution for you is to adjust your "brightness" and "contrast" by using the buttons on the bottom of your monitor; which I do each evening and morning. If you have a lap-top, then the "Fn" keyboard key held-down, and then pressing the up or down 'arrow' keys will adjust the brightness of a lap-top, (At least it does for a Dell computer). If you are confident of manipulating code; Then create any new bookmark and name it as you like; then "Right-Click" that bookmark, and choose "Properties" (FireFox Browser). In the "Location" field box will be the JavaScript. Click once inside the "Location" field box, and .. "Ctrl" + "a" to high-light all the Java code; "Ctrl" + "c" to copy the high-lighted characters to the invisible "Clip-board. Open a new text document; and .. "Ctrl" + "v" to paste the java code from the invisible clip-board into the new text document. For example, The bookmarklet "Bold Black Verdana Font On White Background" javascript:(function(){var%20newSS,%20styles='*%20%20%20{%20background:%20#fff%20!%20important;%20color:%20#000%20!important%20;%20font-family:%20verdana,%20sans-serif%20!important%20;%20font-weight:%20bold%20!important%20;%20%20}%20:link,%20:link%20*%20%20%20{%20color:%20#00f%20!important%20%20%20}%20:visited,%20:visited%20*%20%20%20{%20color:%20#60c%20!important%20%20%20}';%20if(document.createStyleSheet)%20%20%20{%20document.createStyleSheet(%22javascript:'%22+styles+%22'%22);%20%20%20}%20else%20%20%20{%20newSS=document.createElement('link');%20newSS.rel='stylesheet';%20newSS.href='data:text/css,'+escape(styles);%20document.getElementsByTagName(%22head%22)[0].appendChild(newSS);%20%20%20}%20})(); The "fff" above refers to the background color's three light-intensity-settings for the red, green and blue light-guns. The intensity of each of these three guns is "Fully-on" since the 16-possibilities for the range is 0 to F; as in: 0123456789abcdef fff = White since all three light guns are at the maximum. And 000 is black-- since the three light color guns are fully off. The"000" above refers to the text color. Modify these 3-characters in the Javascript code within your text document. Then high-light all the code in your text document by "Ctrl" + "a" ; and "Ctrl" + "c" to copy that which is high-lighted in your text document to be copied into your invisible clip-board (this automatically replaces whatever was previously in the invisible clip-board); .. and then "paste" your new code in into the "bookmark you had created" in its "Location" text field (FireFox Browser), by .. Click once inside the "Location" box, "Ctrl" + "a" to highlight the contents of the "location" box; "Ctrl" + "v" to paste the clip-board contents into the "Location" box (which replaces the location box's high-lighted characters). Check to see that all of the code from your text document is now all in the location box. If the code does not get completely entered into the bookmark properties location box, (specifically, if the end of the Java code is missing anything) then go back to your text document and delete any "line breaks" (also know as "return"s or "enter"s) so that the java code is one-long-continuous line of code, and try again. When you click your new bookmark you will see the results of your experimentation. 00f = Link / Unvisited link color. 60c = Visited link color. verdana = "Verdana" as a "font-family" font type. bold = "bold" as a font-weight; as opposed to "normal". If you need or want more details, just reply back again and I will help you further. - Chris +-+-+-+-+-Train_Wreck-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-Thee_End.-+-+-+-+ ###